Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The road to Vail, CO

Unbeknownst to me, my journey to a healthy hip started almost 4 years ago.

After Luci was born in 2009, I was lucky to start running again and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't doing triathlon's because I really wanted to limit the time away from my newborn so I focused on running. It is my true "sport" love after all. I raced two half marathons the 2 years after Luci was born and lots of little 5k's and neighborhood runs. I was getting faster (for me) and was having fun spending time listening to music, running along the coast and enjoying my "me" time. During this time, we were dealing with the decline in my husbands spine health so we ventured off to Boulder, CO for him to have surgery. After our weekend visit to beautiful Boulder, we decided to make a big move. We wanted to be able to provide a better, quieter upbringing for our daughter so we bought a house in Erie, CO.

During the time our house was being built, we stayed with my parents in Santa Rosa; Louis continued his recovery from his spinal fusion and I worked.  A lot.  I didn't exercise and I really lost my fitness - not to mention added about 20 lbs. What bothered me the most, was the loss of fitness.  Since then, its been a constant up and down cycle of getting "back at it" and getting sidelined with random aches, pains and injuries.

Fast forward to 2015- I finally was diagnosed with a labral tear in my right hip. I saw two recommended Hip Specialists in Denver and was told by both that they wouldn't recommend surgery due to some early development of arthritis in my hip joint. Both said I am an excellent candidate for a total hip replacement!!! How crazy is that? 42 and needing a new hip. After some research I learned that "The Guy" is local and has an practice in Vail, CO- only 2 hours away. So, we decided to see him. Dr. Marc Phillipon focuses on surgeries of the labrum and all the local surgeons have trained under him so he seemed like the right guy to see.

After meeting with him in October 2015 my surgery was scheduled for April 18th.
Of course that weekend a huge snow storm was forecasted! I think I was more afraid of driving to Vail than the actual procedure itself. I picked up my mom on Friday afternoon and we drove right up the mountain to try to beat the storm. Well, not so lucky. an hour into the drive the snow started falling and the drops were the size of golf balls- huge and thick to the point where I could barely see the end of the car.  The roads were closed and after driving for an hour at 5 MPH we finally got off the freeway and stayed at a hotel in Frisco. Poor mom, was getting altitude sickness so we went to bed and tried to rest. We had a small window in the morning where we got back on the road and drove the remaining 24 miles to Vail. The road was in good condition and we made it!!

The rest of the story will continue in another post. Here are some pictures from the road and my little Pickelicious making me a book!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day Reflection

I met you on a beautiful sunny day. It was Wednesday, February 25, 2009. This was the day I became your mommy.

With nervous, excited bubbles in my stomach, I woke up early, took a shower and put on makeup, did my hair and got dressed in a bright red top with my favorite maternity pants.

Nana and Papa walked your daddy and I out to the car, waved goodbye with tears of excitement in their eyes. The next time I saw them, I would have you in my arms.  This was an exciting day for all of us.

When we arrived at the hospital things moved quickly- they signed me in, got me a gown and quickly took a peak inside my belly to make sure you were doing well and ready to join the world.

They rolled me into the operating room and Dr. Kroll was ready for me. She even added some mood music - we had Coldplay playing in the background. Maybe that is why now, to this day 7 years later, we still listen to Coldplay when it's bed time....It reminds me of the day you were born.

I was very insistent that even though I was having a planned C-Section I wanted to see you being born. If I couldn't "birth" you myself, I wanted to see it.

The Dr. was wonderful and when the time came, he lowered the sheet that was blocking the surgical sites and I saw you. Your little pink legs, your big belly, and then your giant head of black hair. I have never seen anything so beautiful.

Then I heard you cry. Crying your first announcement to the world that you had arrived! Luciana Capri Bednar was here.

As I held you and nursed you, my heart burst with a love I will never be able to explain. The love I have for you is so big ~ The love only a mother can truly understand.

I had no idea what was to come after that day. Would you be like me? Would you be like Daddy? As you have grown, you are a blend of your Daddy and I. You look just like him but you have my temperament.

You are fun, sensitive, a good friend, a wonderful daughter and grandaughter. You love your family, your pets, your friends. You love Math, skiing, playing with your kitties, dressing like a princess, playing with makeup. You are all girl! My girly girl. You are extraordinary!

You are exactly the little girl I dreamed about having since I was a little girl.

Thank you for making me a mother ~ this is by far the best role that I have.

I love you.

xoxo Mommy